Kamis, 29 Maret 2012
Posts by : Admin
Link fromblog business PTR
You've added your blog. However, before writing paid posts, you must activate it first. We need this to evaluate the popularity of your blog and calculate the size of the bonus, which will be credited to your account. To do this, we suggest you to write in your blog about LinkFromBlog marketplace and temporarily set somewhere (in the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the post) our invisible or visible counter. Do not put this counter on the pages that are not relevant to this post, in the footer or header. We need to know how many real people read about us, not just visit your blog. So, in order to activate your blog, write a post, include in it one of our visible or invisible counter codes and also our affiliate link or banner. If you use the visible counter in the post, then the affiliate link (or banner) is unrequired. If you do not want to write in your blog about us, you can just add a counter code in the last post and remove it after activation is done, but in this case you don't receive your bonus.
advertise on blogs
Rabu, 28 Maret 2012
Posts by : Admin
LinkFromBlog looks very promising for bloggers like you and me.
LinkFromBlog looks very promising for bloggers like you and me.
Earning money from paid reviews is one of the easiest ways to make money online. Also, there are no issues of a review being illegal or unethical. LinkFromBlog allows you to monetize your blog in a very easy way.
There are a lot of features that gives LinkFromBlog an edge over its competition. One of the most helpful features is that they allow the advertiser to search for a blogger choosing a parameter of their choice. They offer an array of parameters to advertisers for selecting the blog they want to advertise on. An advertiser can select the blog based on its Page Rank, Alexa Rank, Domain Age, Country, Language,
One of the most attractive features about LinkFromBlog for bloggers is that they do not charge any kind of commission from bloggers. This is really a great point to encourage more and more quality bloggers to enter their market place.
LinkFromBlog offers a quick and easy registration process with minimum fuss. Also, it offers a very simple interface to the user to add blogs into the account dashboard. But each blog is activated only after it is approved by the site administrator. The approval is done by placing an invisible counter at the bottom of any one of your post. This counter code is given to you on the completion of your registration process. LinkFromBlog claims that this invisible counter will allow them to gauss how many ‘real’ people have read your post. On the acknowledgement of this – the blog is approved. This process allows LinkFromBlog to maintain high standard blogs in their market place.
sponsored reviews
Jumat, 17 Februari 2012
Posts by : Admin
Pada waktu penjajah Belanda datang pertama kali di Indonesia telah tercipta hukum yang lahir dari masyarakat tradisional sendiri yang kemudian disebut Hukum Adat. Pada masa primitive pertumbuhan hukum, yang dalam dunia modern dipisahkan dalam hukum privat dan hukum public, tidak membaadakan kedua bidang hukum itu.
Hukum Acara perdata tidak terpisah dari Hukum Acara Pidana. Tuntutan Perdata dan tuntutan pidana merupakan suatu kesatuan, termasuk lembaga – lembaganya.
Supomo menunjukan bahwa pandangan rakyat Indonesia terhadap alam semesta adalah suatu totalitas yaitu bahwa Manusia beserta makhluk lain dan Lingkungannya merupakan suatu kesatuan, alam gaib dan alam nyata tidak dipisahkan. Sehingga yang paling utama adalah keseimbangan dan keharmonisan antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Segalanya perbuatan yang menggangu keseimbangan itu merupakan pelanggaran hukum (adat).
Hazairin dalam tulisannya berjudul “Negara tanpa penjara” dalam Tiga Serangkai Tentang Hukum menulis bahwa dalam masyarakat tradisional Indonesia tidak ada pidana penjara.
Hukum pembuktian pada masyarakat tradisional Indonesia searing digantungkan pada kekuasaan Tuhan.
1) Bentuk – bentuk sanksi hukum adat (dahulu) dihimpun dalam Pandecten van het Adatrecht bagian X yang disebut juga dalam buku Supomo tersebut, yaitu sebagai berikut :Pengganti kerugian “immaterial” dalam pelbagai rupa seperti paksaan menikahi gadis yang telah dicemarkan.
2) Bayaran “uang adat” kepada orang yang terkena, yang berupa benda yang sakti sebagai peganti kerugian rohani.
3) Selamatan (korban) untuk membersihkan masyarakat dari segala kotoran gaib
4) Penutup malu, permintaan maaf
5) Pelbagai rupa hukuman badan, hingga hukuman mati.
6) Pengasingan dari masyarakat serta meletakkan orang diluat Tata Hukum.
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